Aussie arrived at the S.P.A. in mid-April 2016 at the age of 6 weeks, stuffed into a rusty birdcage with his 5 siblings. He is a beautiful, talkative, social black and white tuxedo cat with short hair. He was adopted twice but returned because he hid from people and the adopters feared for his safety. Knowing his history, a third adopter assured us she would provide the care, attention, and home that he deserved. After nearly a month, the third adopter told us she no longer wanted him. So, he was again rescued and now resides permanently in his true home at the S.P.A. with his cat and human friends. He is a happy and grateful boy. By virtually adopting Aussie, you will help the S.P.A. provide the food, care, and attention that he needs.
Meet Aussie at the S.P.A. any day, Monday-Saturday, between 11 and 2.